Saturday, September 22, 2012


         “Guns and Bibles”


Guns and bibles

Brought down my people

Military boots

That stomped on their hands,

Disease in blankets

Such indignation

Whiskey fueled

As they stole our lands.


Jesus sculptures

Hanging on beaded bands


Time and again,

As you forced our heads

Deep into the sand

Guns and bibles

Killed the native man.


           Guns and bibles

           Powder fed….

           Guns and bibles

           Can’t count the dead..

           Guns and bibles

           So full of dread

           Guns and bibles…

           Get out of my head.


As the sun sets

Over the badlands

An eerie silence

Echoes inside,

Devil smiles

‘cause his work is done

Guns and bibles

Destroyed everyone.


             Guns and bibles

             Made the weak liable

             Justified everything

             Killing all that was tribal,

             Put our souls

             Up on your mantle

             As your evil proceeded

             To pummel and trample.


When the moon is rising

Above the Sacred Tree

Our pain subsiding

Setting us free,

Gathered together

In harmony

Our Creator and ancestors

Wait for you and me.
Waya Adanvdo
© 2012 Defense Counsel


  1. no man has a right to impose his belief system on another people. if those who run rough-shod over the native people of this land had actually understood the words of the one they called their savior, this near genocide would never have happened.

  2. Osiyo beej.There is nothing but truth in your comment. It's that simple, yet it is impossible for the power and death mongers to wrap their head around. Outstanding insight!!
    Nvwatohiyadv dinadanvtli,

