Friday, November 9, 2012

“Lost a Warrior Today”

Our world lost a warrior
Just today
The bravest of fighter
For our native ways
Singer of the truth
Fight you nail and tooth
He’s with our ancestors
Beneath the Sacred Tree.

The winds lost a voice
That represented choice
Yet his spirit will visit
Let us all rejoice
As the struggle he fought for
Will carry on
I’m so damn sad
To know that he’s gone.

He stood for every tribe and nation
Swam to shores
To fight the indignation
Spoke the words
So many called obscene
My heart is weeping
For my brother…
Russell Means.

As the Great Spirit
Brings him home
Seven generations
Will smile, yet mourn
Father sky
Grandfather sun
Mother Earth
Grandmother moon…

Will wrap around his spirit
Take him in to their womb…

It was a bad day today
A sad one
Bad one
We lost a warrior today
I can’t wait to see him
Just to hear him say
Our world,
Lost a warrior today.


  1. Wado Russell. I will meet you at the Sacred Tree!!

  2. why do great men die before their work is done?
    who will pick up his lance and carry it into the battles to come?
    when will the world find the decency to treat all men as equal and deserving of respect?
    will there ever be a time when we will all look upon each other as brothers?
    will we ever learn?

    our spirits mourn the passing together my brother, peace to you and and mrs waya

  3. he rides with crazy horse and and all the true men who havnt got a price for selling out.i hear his soul on the winter brave warrior your spirits free

  4. He rides with crazy horse and all the true men who dont have a price for selling out I hear his soul on the winter wind rest brave warrior your soul is free

  5. I agree 100% with both of you. Wado for the visit. I have many irons in the fire, so I have been scarce here. I am planning big changes and merging my sites together. Wado ale nvwatohiyadv(Thank you and peace.

    Waya Adanvdo
